dijous, 4 de maig del 2017



This is not really news; it’s actually a story of a woman, called Guadalupe Pérez Castillo, who was enslaved for about 30 years of her life. Her story is the following one: she was born in Las Agujas, a small town of Mexico. Her family was poor, and she used to help her family’s economy selling fruit in the town’s market. One day, a woman came to visit Guadalupe’s house, and offered her to work with her as a babysitter. In exchange, the woman will pay her, send her to a good school and send money to her family. For Guadalupe, that was a really good offer, so she accepted it (at that time, she was 10 years old).

Resultat d'imatges de slave
But things didn’t turn out to be so perfect. Guadalupe quickly understood that the woman would not pay her, and she also had to do all the housework and care for the children. But that wasn’t the worse: she had to sleep on the floor, she could only eat scraps, and they even hit her for no apparent reason. Obviously, she tried several times to scape, but she didn’t succeed in any of attempts. The woman and her husband also threatened her that they would kill her if she continues trying to escape, so she stopped doing it. She finally escape when she was 40, taking advantage of a moment where the family was gone because they were all at the hospital (because their son had had an accident).

Guadalupe Pérez had to stand 30 years of forced labor, beatings, sexual abuse, lack of food…All these made her dump and now she has some mental problems. She is extremely shy, always looks down when she’s talking to somebody, among other things. She doesn’t know how to live in freedom, because she has lived 30 years as a slave. Now she’s visiting a therapist, who’s trying to teach her how to be free, how to make her own decisions, manage her money…


As now we are working on a project of human rights, I found interesting to choose this article. It’s shameful that in 2017 we still have to deal with slavery. So now we are able to travel to the moon, for example, but we don’t know how to stop slavery? I think the problem are the governments, that they are not interested in eliminate slavery. Maybe governments will not resolve the entire problem, because for example, in the case of Guadalupe Pérez would have been difficult to know that that girl was being enslaved. Therefore, maybe the solution is to make efforts to improve the life of the poor people, so that anyone won’t be as desperate to become a slave. I know it’s easy to say but difficult to do, but I have hope in a better world!


Attorney: advocat
Self-assured: segur d'un mateix
Stretched: escàs, insuficient
Elated: eufòrica, entusiasmada 

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/27/world/freedom-project-30-years-a-slave/index.html

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