dissabte, 27 de febrer del 2016



A few weeks ago, an 8-year-old Italian kid named Matteo “invented” a new word when he described a flower as “petaloso” (which in English means “full of petals”). This word doesn’t officially exist in the Italian dictionary, but it grammatically makes sense, because it’s a combination of “petalo” (“petal”) and the suffix “-oso” (“full of”).
The teacher, Margherita Aurora, when she saw the word, she thought that maybe Matteo had just invented a new word, so she and the boy wrote a card to the Accademia della Crusca (the institution that oversees the use of the Italian language) to ask it they could include the word in the dictionary. The institution said that the word is well formed so it could be used in the Italian language, but to officially be part of it lots of people have to use it and understand its meaning. Also, the Accademia encouraged Matteo saying that if he could manage to spread the word, then “petaloso” will have become an Italian word.

Matteo and his teacher were very content, and Margherita decided to start a movement to make “petaloso” a widely known and used word. He wrote a post on Facebook that has been shared more than 80.000 times. On Twitter, the hashtag #petaloso was used 40.000 times, becoming the top trending topic in Italy. Even the Accademia retweeted some messages using the word, and the Zanichelli publishing house (which publishes one of most widely referenced Italian dictionaries) said that will include the word in its next edition. Also, the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi congratulated the kid.

Now, “petaloso” is on its way to become an official Italian word thanks to Matteo, his teacher and the power of social media.


In my opinion, I think this is a magnificent thing. I think it’s astonishing what the Internet and social media can do: in this case, Internet has helped to introduce a new word to the Italian language. This makes me think and consider about the power of the Internet and how easy is for us to use it.


Trigger (sth): Desencadenar
Hint: Fer entendre
Assignment: Feina, deures

dijous, 18 de febrer del 2016



1_blind people can see artImagine being blind and not being able to see the historical masterpieces of an art museum. For these people, it’s impossible to feel the art in the same way a person without sight problems does. The Museo del Prado, in Madrid noticed that offering audio or braille guides for blind people was not enough, so they created 3-D replicas of some famous and important paintings. In this way, blind people could be able to touch and feel the art. The technique was developed by the Estudios Durero.

The technique, called "Didú" allows the works to be produced in rich texture and in full colour (because many blind people still have limited vision, so they can appreciate some colours). Also, they emphasize some details, because this helps the blind people to transform the sensation into a mental image. As the reproductions are done with volume to give them a 3-D quality, the people can feel details like the texture of the hair, the smoothness of skin… Also, they can use an audio guide so they can feel with their hands what they are listening to and seeing in their minds.

This is a new way to feel art, not only for blind people, but also for everyone. The museum provides masks to people that are able to see so they can also have the opportunity to experience art in a new way.

VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/121592169


I think this is a great idea, because it offers a new way to “see” art, so blind people doesn’t feel pulled apart. Even though they can’t still see the paintings, they can feel them better, and I think this is amazing. It’s a fantastic revolution.


Nagging: irritant
Urge: desig
Harmful: perjudicial

dimarts, 16 de febrer del 2016



A few days ago, I saw a post on Facebook saying “there are two kinds of women in the world” and it showed pictures of women wearing Carnival costumes. Some of them wearing sexier costumes and the other ones wearing more covered costumes. In my point of view I can only see one kind of women: the ones who dress the way they want.

Nowadays, our society tends to call "bitch" (sorry for the word) to almost every women in the Earth. Like, oh, she’s showing her belly or her neckline, she’s a bitch. I can guarantee, as a woman, that we don’t like to be called like that, we just want to dress the way we want and not be criticized for that.

And it drives me crazy the fact that it’s not only men that call us that way, it’s us, the women, who insult ourselves. We blame men for being sexist, thinking that they are our enemy, but the truth is that our enemy are ourselves. How many times a woman insulted another woman for the way she dress or the way she acts? A lot. I think we have to change that, not because this is rude, but also because when you do that you are stimulating a society of disrespect for women.

"The amount of  clothes I wear doesn't
determine the amount of respect I deserve"

In my point of view, I think it’s incredible how, in the XXI century, we’re still scandalizing about the way a person dresses. But then “yes, our society is very open-minded”. Of course, compared to many years ago, we are more open-minded (for example, about the homosexual marriage we are making great strides), but we are open-minded in some cases, just when we want, because I think it’s not normal to criticize somebody or to call somebody in a disrespectful way just because of the way he or she dresses. In addition, if a girl wants to wear a mini skirt, she’s not hurting anybody so she has the right to do it. I mean, it’s her body, she can do whatever she wants with it if she isn’t hurting other people. 

And then there are people, specially women, who think that women who dress in few clothes are throwing away all the advances that have been made to fight for gender equality. But I don’t think so, because equality means that whatever you are wearing, you have to receive the same respect as everybody. A woman has to receive the same respect as men and as other women; that’s equality.

So, in conclusion, let people life and don’t criticize somebody for the way he or she dresses.

dimarts, 2 de febrer del 2016


Her name is Mar, she's a student at IES Castelló d'Empúries, so she doesn't have a job. Also, she's one of my best friends.

About her appearance, she has an average height and and average weight but with curves. Focusing on her face, she has long brown straight hair. She has small green eyes with short eyelashes and slim eyebrows. Her nose is normal and her lips are slim and delicate. Her ears are small. She has an oval face and her skin is light.

Talking about her personality, she's a bit shy, but once she gets to know the person, she is very friendly and kind. She's also modest and honest, and very calm. She's loyal and loves quietness and doesn't like a lot of attention.

I think she's a good person and a person you can trust. Even though we have very different personalities, we're very close and we understand each other. And, at last but not least, I love spending time with her.


Dear Santa,

This year I don't want anything material but something more special and important; something not just for me, but for everybody (or almost). Well, I think this is practically impossible, but I only want everybody to be a bit happier. 

For example: a toy for a little kid, company for a lonely person, being able to get over cancer... Everyone wants something different: but, in my opinion, there are things that can be as valuable as material things. Such as love, a kiss, a hug, kindness...  I don't know, something like this.

For this Christmas I want everybody to give something to somebody (material or not material thing), because this way you will make a person happy, and this will make you happy. The most important thing is to give happiness to receive happiness.