diumenge, 29 de gener del 2017



Last Monday 16th of January my classmates and I from 2nd Batxillerat presented our Research Project in front of a court; We had handed it over the 19th of December and finally, in the 23rd of January I had the results. We have worked so hard for it, in my case, I'm so happy with my mark and with all the knowledge I have acquired.

But, is it really worth doing the Research Project? You can learn the things you like, and you can also choose the topic, so often you learn things about something you like or are interested in. You will also learn how to do professional work, and this will be useful for the next year, in University. But we can not forget the cons of doing the Research Project.

Resultat d'imatges de stressed studentThe first one is that it takes you a lot of time. It counts like another subject, but you do not have any hour in the high school to do it; And we have to accept that these projects are long, hard, and you have to spend a huge amount of hours to do it. The problem is that we are coursing 2nd of Batxillerat, the most stressful and hard school year of all. We do not even have time to do the homework and study for the normal subjects, how are we supposed to have also the time of the Research Project?

Another con is that you get stressed a lot during the process. Most of the teachers keep reminding you of the importance of that project, so you get nervous about it. But, maybe, the part when you get nervous the most is during the oral presentation of the project.

Another thing that pisses me off is that Catalonia is the only autonomous region in Spain that has to do it, and that's not fair. Especially because, as I said before, it takes you a lot of time, that you could use to study other subjects, doing homework or even relaxing or spending time with your friends.

In my case, I have to recognize that it was hard to do the project, especially at first, because I was just lost about what I had to do. It's true that I have learned a lot, and doing the practical part was positive and I can say that I really enjoy doing it. Now that it is finished it is easier to focus on the positive parts and you have to forget the bad moments you have gone through. But, of course, there were times that I got stressed out.

So, in conclusion, doing the Research Project has its pros and cons, and I'm not sure now which one imposes the other one. The only thing I can say is that I'm glad it's over and that I'm proud of my result.



In Russia there will be a reality show called Game2: Winter, which some people have said is similar to The Hunger Games. 30 men and women will be in Siberia and they will have to survive if they want to win a cash prize. What impacts the most about this show is that participants can be raped or killed. They can also fight against each other, drink alcohol, smoke or anything. So basically, there are no rules in this game.

Resultat d'imatges de game2: winter
Therefore, this show consists of surviving in a place where the temperature can reach the -40ºC, and the participants are able to do whatever they want or need to survive. It's important to stand out that the show will be streamed internationally all day long.

To participate you have to be more than 18 years old, be mentally sane and pay over 10 million rubles (£ 130,000). If you want to skip paying, you can be voted via online. Surprisingly, in December 2016 they already had 60 applicants.

Although the rules in the reality show say participants can rape or even kill other participants, if anyone does it, they will have to face the Russian law. The show allows doing it, but not Russia's law. So, basically, if any participant dies, the show will have nothing to do with it.

Another feature of the show is that there will be no filming crew; Instead, there will be cameras spread all around the area and also all participants will be carrying a camera, so everything will be recorded.


Resultat d'imatges de game2: winterWhen I first read this, I thought it was a joke; “Hunger games in real life? That’s not possible”. But then I realized this is real and I couldn’t believe it. This is not just a survival TV show, because in these type of programs you get health assistance if you get injured, you can just give up and go home. But in this case if you are dying or being murdered no one will help you. Your death will be recorded and shown to everyone who wants to see it. In the other hand, one thing that I don’t understand is why participants have to pay such a high amount of money. That means that basically only rich people can participate; so they will not be participating to win money, but just for… I don’t know… try to survive? Kill people? I don’t understand how somebody can risk their lives for money if they already had money. Anyway, I don’t think it’s normal to do this show, especially because people can die participating and this will be shown on the TV or Internet.



The president of the United States Donald Trump has signed the 29th of January an executive order that will ban Syrian refugees to enter the US and limit the entrance of other refugees. To be more specific, the order bans people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia to enter in the US for 90 days. Also, Trump has suspended the US Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days.

The main objective of this order is to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States, as Trump says. Therefore, the number of refugees admitted in the US will be reduced to 50,000 (until now it was 110,000). Apart from that, Trump also signed a second executive order that will increase the military expense, to rebuild the Army.

Resultat d'imatges de syrian refugeesIt is important to stand out that the executive order to restrict the entrance of refugees in the US prioritizes Christians over Muslims. Trump specifically said that they want to help Christians because "they've been horribly treated". If you are a Christian living in Syria you will have a lot of obstacles to enter in the US, so that's why Trump is making easier for Christians to enter in the country.

Reacting to this fact, Democrats have criticized the order, describing it as discriminatory against Muslims.


In my opinion, this order is extremely discriminatory, not only for Muslims but also for all the refugees. Some people have to stop relating refugees or Muslims to terrorists; it’s obvious that not all Muslims are terrorists. Refugees are people who are running away from a horrible war, and I think our responsibility is to help them. At the end, we are all humans, no matter the colour of our skin, our religion, or the place we were born. Also, it’s kind of ironic that a country like the United States bans immigrants to enter, because almost all the people from there are immigrants.


Pletge: promesa
Forgo: abstenir-se de (alguna cosa)
Readiness: preparació, disposició

dissabte, 28 de gener del 2017


The 24th of January I did an oral presentation about my Research Project, called The music and its role in education. Now I’m going to comment it a little bit.

First of all, I think the recourses that I used were fine: I tried to do the Prezi as visual and dynamic as possible, and I also put three short videos. About the body language, I tried to look at the audience as much as possible, not to read from my notes and make gestures and movements to keep everyone’s attention.

About the structure, I think I organized the presentation well; I did a brief introduction and a conclusion and I used connectors and markers. I also think the content was good: I tried to summarize and keep the main ideas of my Research Project to make it as interesting as possible.

In my opinion, the language I used was correct. I don’t think I made too many mistakes, and the ones I did I tried to correct them fast. Of course, I’m not perfect and I could do it better. I was a bit nervous, so that’s one of the reasons I was mistaken sometimes. About the pronunciation, I think it was good, but I’m sure my teacher found some mistakes; I still have so much to learn.

So, in conclusion, I think I did a good presentation, although I can always improve.


SCENARIO: Two women come across in the middle of the street.

CHARACTERS: Nancy, Claire

NANCY: Claire!!! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in years, girl!

CLAIRE: Hmmm...

NANCY: What've you been up to? Are you still dating Johnny? He was such a cutie!

CLAIRE: Eeh... wait... and you're...?

N: Ha, ha, ha! You're still so funny! Tell me, are you married? I was, but I divorced a year later, because the man was so...

C: Wow, wow, stop. I was serious before, I haven't a clue about who you are. You must be mistaken...

N: Oh, no, darling! But I haven't changed at all. Well, maybe just a few tweaks, you know.

C: Hmm.. you mean, makeup?

N: Ha, ha, ha!! You're always with your jokes!! Sweetheart, don't make me say it out loud...

C: Say what?

N: Girl, are you living under the rocks or something? We're in 21st century! I can't believe you haven't tried with botox.

C: Botox? No way, are you crazy?!

N: Baby, getting botox nowadays is like buying a pair of jeans. And there are even discounts on it!

C: I guess you have taken advantadge of them a lot...

N: Haven't you recognized me yet?

C: Being honest... I have no idea.

N: I used to be the high school queen!

C: Rebecca Stewart?!

N: Are you kidding me? No! I'm Nancy Wallace!

C: What?! But you were brunette, and... your boobs were like two fried eggs!

N: And now they're like two watermelons. You should totally try it. Not meaning to offend.

C: Non taken. No.. em... I'm not really into these kind of things.

N: Come on! I have a lipo in half an hour and the surgeon owes me a favour... How much do you want to pay? 3000? No, no.. too much... 2000 is ok, isn't it?

C: Wait, what??? No, no, no...

N: Yeah, you're right... It's still too much. I can lower it to 1000. Trust me, the doctor is the real deal. I'm gonna call for a taxi. TAXI!

C: What the hell... You're fricking insane!!! I'm leaving.

N: Bye!!!! What a weird girl... It's curious how people change... TAXI!