divendres, 5 de maig del 2017


Muralla Street, 14
Castelló d'Empúries, Girona, Spain (17486)
20th April, 2017

Hi there!

How's everything going? I hope it's all going fine. Well, maybe you are wondering why I'm writing to you. It's because of a serious issue. I've been seeing you so much in your phone recently, and I'm worried. Maybe you don't see it as a serious thing but believe me, it is. I've been searching through the Internet and I found there's a phobia called "Nomophobia", which is the fear of being apart of your cell phone. I looked for the symptoms (constantly topping up the battery life, compulsively checking the phone...) and that's exactly what you do. I'm talking seriously: that's not a joke and I'm worried about you.
Maybe you should try staying an hour without checking your phone, then two hours... and increasing that time. Believe me: you will feel so much better then.
And well, that's all. If you need any help with that, I can give you a hand.

Lots of love,


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