This summer I went to a cruise on the Baltic Sea. I visited so many countries: Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Germany.
Estonia: I didn't visit a lot of Estonia (only a few places of the capital, Tallinn) because it was the first day and my family and I were so tired (because we had to take a plane on Barcelona and we had to woke up so early). But I have to say that the estonian cuisine (for me) is horrible! I think I didn't like it because it's very different from the mediterranean food.
Russia: We arrived at Russia the next day and we stayed here for 2 days. We visited St Petersburg. People think that russians are serious people; and yes, it's true. Russian people are very different than Spanish people. For example, I didn't saw anyone laughing, shouting... All the people were serious. And, also, a lot of buildings were grey, a very sad colour. Our guide said that the last year the city council appointed a law that says that no one could build another gray (big) building. A part from this, we visited a very beautiful church, The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, also called the Church on Spilt Blood.
Finland: We visited the capital, Helsinki. It's a very beautiful city! It's small compared to Madrid or Barcelona. People on Finland are so nice and kind, but the prices on Finland are very high! My father bought a coffee and it costed 5,50€. So expensive! In Finland we didn't visit monuments, we just walked arround the city. It was so relaxing.
Sweden: We visited Stockholm. Sweden it's very similar to Finland. The people are also nice and gentile, the products so expensive too... We took a tourist bus and we saw the city.
Germany: We visited Lübeck, a city in northen Germany. We visited St. Mary's Church and the Holsten Gate and we took a lot of photos! We spend the rest of the day visiting the city.
A part from all the beautiful places we visit, I did some friends on this cruise: Martí, Arnau, Víctor and Marta (Martí and Arnau are brothers and Víctor and Marta are brothers too). Marta and I became very close friends and we still in contact through social networks. She lives in Barcelona. Also, in summer, she came in my house to spend a few days and then I went to Barcelona in her house. We want to do it again next summer and also, this winter we want to go ski together. This were the best hollidays ever!
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