This opinion article talks a little bit about the “Brexit” and its consequences. On June 23, Great Britain decided to leave the European Union, becoming the first country to do it. For the writer of this article, this means one thing: national interests and xenophobia are winning over rationality, solidarity and common projects for helping everybody.

Then, the author criticizes the fact that people prefer blaming the immigrants and close borders than fighting for higher minimum salaries, redistribute the wealth… This demonstrates that Europe is losing its rationality and national interests are winning against all.
I’m very concerned about this; it seems like we never learn… Well, as someone said, “Man is the only animal that trips twice over the same stone”. Because of this extreme nationalism, some years ago a man called Hitler reached to the power in Germany, and everybody knows what he did. And now, with the victory of Donald Trump in the USA is quite the same. Extreme nationalism is never good. From my point of view, I think a globalized world is a good thing; we worked very hard to achieve it, for everybody to have the same opportunities. Well, we still haven’t done it yet, but we’re working on it, and these extreme nationalisms are a step back to what we have been working for during all the history of humanity.
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Scant: escàs
Wage: salari
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