Do you love these days when it's so cold outside and you're in home with a cup of hot chocolate watching a movie? Yes, I think everybody loves this.
The last week it has been so cold and, on Saturday it also snowed a little! Unfortunately, the snow didn't last enough and it doesn't stay at the ground. Nevermind, what I'm saying is that I love the cold days if I stay at home. This weekend it was like that. In Saturday morning I played a basketball match (that my team and I won) and the rest of the day I stayed at home. I watched an episode of American Horror Story in my bed with my Colacao and my blanket and it was so perfect!

These are my favorite days in winter. But, to be totally perfect, I need a boyfriend.
Also, one of my favourite parts of the winter (when I'm at home) it's going to sleep. I mean, these super cold days that you have to put 2 thick blankets to stay comfortable at your bed. And, in that moment when your bed is warm is totally perfect. And it's more perfect if you read a book. Call me weird but I love reading good books at night in my bed.
And when you wake up and it's saturday and you know that you can stay in bed for a few minutes more... Just Per-fect.
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