This news is about two boys who asked for asylum in the US, but they were refused. One of them had been threatened by some gang members; they said they were going to kill him. In front of this situation, the boy decided to leave his home and go to the United States. When he and another boy were at the US border, they explained their situations to the officials, but they didn’t seem to care that much and told them to wait outside. They waited all day long, until one lawyer who was crossing the border with another client saw them and help them.

Even though these prohibitions are increasing, they are not only a result of Trump’s policy, but they were there before he came to power. The writer of that news says that this is a serious problem and that the government has to do something about it. They have to investigate and punish the agents who have behaved illegally.
This news shows the violation of one human right: the right to have asylum. As it says, everybody has the right to have asylum in cases of danger, no matter where they come from. Of course, I am against what these US agents are doing to people who ask for asylum. Imagine you're in their situation; That in your country you have been threatened with death and then when you ask for asylum they deny it. But what upsets me the most is why the US agents do not let Mexican people pass it because of racist reasons. Unfortunately, there are a lot of racist people in the USA (and in the world too), as it shows the fact that Trump is the president. I hope one day we get over racism, which is one of the main reason why most of the human rights are not coming into effect right now.
Flee: escapar
Entrenched: refractari, retrògrad
Seeker: persona que busca alguna cosa
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