Last Friday, I saw a video on Facebook made by PlayGround which talked about bullying, in particular, child bullying. The video, among other things, said some information that caught my attention. It said that, in Spain, there are about 103.000 bullies and cyberbullies and, besides, 1 out of 3 students admits having attack (physically or verbally) another student. And the most impressive thing is that when you ask the bully why he or she does that, the majority of the times the kid doesn’t know exactly why.
The question is very simple but the answer is not: Why some kids harass others? Maybe, it’s because the bully feels superior doing it, and it makes him or her seem strong and powerful above others. In my opinion, hurting other people it doesn’t make you stronger, it makes you weak and rude. In addition, some experts claim that if the bully’s conduct doesn’t change, it’s probably that when he/she gets older will act in the same way, so he will move the violence to the job or at home. When the violence is at home, it’s when it leads to gender violence (against men or women). So it’s essential that we have to change the bully’s behavior when the kid is still young, because the more he or she grows, the more difficult will be to change their point of view. So, in my opinion, I think we have to teach kids to not to attack the others in the school, in a very early age because it’s when they understand it the most.

It’s very hard spend all your infancy worried and afraid of the others, you don’t enjoy school, you’re afraid to go outside, and it’s even harder if you don’t have any friend. It’s sad, but there are some cases of boys and girls that have suicide for suffering bullying. It’s not normal that a kid or a teenager (most of them are teenagers) have to kill him or herself because of another kid. And the worst part is that we don’t learn the lesson. How many extreme cases like these have to happen until we learn? Bullying is not a game for kids, it’s violence, and it’s a serious problem. So we have to deal with it and teach children not to do that; we have to get serious. Let’s stop the game.