dissabte, 24 d’octubre del 2015
Etiquetes de comentaris:
1st batxillerat,
1st term,
dissabte, 17 d’octubre del 2015
Last week, the American newspaper “The Boston Globe” published a photo of the photographer John Banding. In that photo you can see a group of people behind a fence photographing and recording with their smartphones the actors that were presenting the movie “Black Mass”. Then, you can also see a grown woman in the first line watching the same thing not through her mobile phone, but through her eyes.
A lot of people gave their opinion about it, showing their different points of view but, a part from that, I want to show you my own opinion.
First of all, I think it’s obvious that we’re so addicted to the mobile phone, the technology, the social networks… And we know it. We became so addicted, that if our mobile phone runs out of battery it’s such a big deal. A big, big deal. Or, if simply we forget our phones at home, we start “missing the phone”, especially when everyone starts using it and you can’t, so you start feeling strange and weird, out of place.
It’s like we depend on our phone. No, I think it’s better to say that the phone became a part of us. He follows everywhere you go, like your shadow. The difference is that your shadow stops following you in the dark; the phone doesn’t. And if one day you don’t bring your mobile phone with you, somebody else will do, and maybe you will end up playing games on your friend’s phone of both of you watching videos through it. It’s like a course. Also, the mobile phone is method of salvation. I mean, for example, if you are waiting for somebody, and you don’t know what to do, you take your phone and you start checking anything, even if it’s not important, just to not feel like a lonely person. Or, another example, if you are in the bus, you do the same thing I said before. Talking about that last thing, call me a freak but I saw a lot of films when the main characters met or fall in love in the bus, or in the underground, or even in the street waiting for something or someone. They just look each other and… love. But now, we can’t do this. We are always watching our phones; we don’t look at each other. We don’t look at strangers anymore. We don’t watch the birds flying in the sky as we walk. We just head down and watch our phones. A screen.
Of course I know that NOT EVERYONE is like this. But I’m talking for the most of the people (especially the teenagers and the young people) who do this.
So, talking about the photo, I think it shows what our generation is like nowadays. As I said before, we’re always using our smartphones. A lot of people criticized that these people in the photo are not enjoying the moment as much as the elder woman, and I’m totally agree with them. Clearly, if you are recording something you have to be attending to the phone, making sure you’re recording it well and all these things. So, you’re not enjoying the moment as much as the other people (that aren’t using their cameras or phones) do. For example, I play the guitar, so three or four times a year I do concerts. My mother always wants to recorder it, to have a memory, but every time she ends up just recording a part of it, because she says that she wants to enjoy the concert and the music, and if she is recording, she can’t enjoy as much. And she feels the difference between recording, or just enjoying of the moment.
Well, recording or taking photos of the moment have good parts too: you have a memory for the rest of your life (unless you lose the photo or the video), and you can show this to anyone you want.
With this, you have the sensation of having been there, right? I mean, it’s normal, you have been there. But, if you think about it, and let’s suppose that you where recording all the time, it’s like you haven’t been there. Well, I really don’t know how to say that. I mean, when you were recording, you were watching it through your phone, so you technically never have seen it in your own eyes, just through a video. Because even the moment you were watching it for the first time, you were doing it through your phone. Yes, I know this is quite confusing, but I hope you understand me.
Basically, recording videos or making photos has advantages and disadvantages, but, in the end, do you think it’s worth it recording it, but not enjoying the moment? In my opinion, I think that nothing is worth than enjoying the moment and living the moment (quite hipster, right?). You only have the opportunity to see what you’re seeing once, so we have to just enjoy. Although I recognize that it’s cool to have a memory of a cool thing for forever. Obviously, I have a lot of photos or videos of different moments of my life that I love and I’m happy that I have them.
So, in the end, I think that we have to do both things: enjoy the moment and make photos and record things. Just a bit of all, because each thing has advantages and disadvantages. We don’t have to bring it to the extreme like some people do.
I know I haven’t talked much about the photo in particular, but the photo was just a thing to introduce what I wanted to talk about.
I let you a video that shows our addiction to the phone that I've found very interesting "I forgot my phone"
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OINa46HeWg8
Last week, the American newspaper “The Boston Globe” published a photo of the photographer John Banding. In that photo you can see a group of people behind a fence photographing and recording with their smartphones the actors that were presenting the movie “Black Mass”. Then, you can also see a grown woman in the first line watching the same thing not through her mobile phone, but through her eyes.
A lot of people gave their opinion about it, showing their different points of view but, a part from that, I want to show you my own opinion.
First of all, I think it’s obvious that we’re so addicted to the mobile phone, the technology, the social networks… And we know it. We became so addicted, that if our mobile phone runs out of battery it’s such a big deal. A big, big deal. Or, if simply we forget our phones at home, we start “missing the phone”, especially when everyone starts using it and you can’t, so you start feeling strange and weird, out of place.
Of course I know that NOT EVERYONE is like this. But I’m talking for the most of the people (especially the teenagers and the young people) who do this.
So, talking about the photo, I think it shows what our generation is like nowadays. As I said before, we’re always using our smartphones. A lot of people criticized that these people in the photo are not enjoying the moment as much as the elder woman, and I’m totally agree with them. Clearly, if you are recording something you have to be attending to the phone, making sure you’re recording it well and all these things. So, you’re not enjoying the moment as much as the other people (that aren’t using their cameras or phones) do. For example, I play the guitar, so three or four times a year I do concerts. My mother always wants to recorder it, to have a memory, but every time she ends up just recording a part of it, because she says that she wants to enjoy the concert and the music, and if she is recording, she can’t enjoy as much. And she feels the difference between recording, or just enjoying of the moment.
With this, you have the sensation of having been there, right? I mean, it’s normal, you have been there. But, if you think about it, and let’s suppose that you where recording all the time, it’s like you haven’t been there. Well, I really don’t know how to say that. I mean, when you were recording, you were watching it through your phone, so you technically never have seen it in your own eyes, just through a video. Because even the moment you were watching it for the first time, you were doing it through your phone. Yes, I know this is quite confusing, but I hope you understand me.
Basically, recording videos or making photos has advantages and disadvantages, but, in the end, do you think it’s worth it recording it, but not enjoying the moment? In my opinion, I think that nothing is worth than enjoying the moment and living the moment (quite hipster, right?). You only have the opportunity to see what you’re seeing once, so we have to just enjoy. Although I recognize that it’s cool to have a memory of a cool thing for forever. Obviously, I have a lot of photos or videos of different moments of my life that I love and I’m happy that I have them.
So, in the end, I think that we have to do both things: enjoy the moment and make photos and record things. Just a bit of all, because each thing has advantages and disadvantages. We don’t have to bring it to the extreme like some people do.
I know I haven’t talked much about the photo in particular, but the photo was just a thing to introduce what I wanted to talk about.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OINa46HeWg8
Etiquetes de comentaris:
1st batxillerat,
1st term,
dissabte, 3 d’octubre del 2015
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a festival of hot air ballons. The Festival basically consists of a lot of hot air balloons (it has arround 750 ballons) filling the sky. It's the largest hot air balloon festival in the world and approximately 100.000 spectators watch it every year.
In the festival, there are also special events or things: the Special Shape Rodeo (there are different types of balloons, like one in the shape of a cow or a baby), the Balloon Glows (it takes place at night, and all the balloons shine), the Fiesta Challenge (a game where balloonists attempt to drop a marker closest to a target), the America's Challenge Gas Balloon Race (where special long-distance gas balloons are inflated and then launched.The winner of the race is the balloon that travels the farthest), the Fight of the Nations Mass Ascension (where balloonists from each nation launch, one at a time, to their national anthem and waving their nation's flag)...
Where does it takes place? It takes place in Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA). In a big field where the people can relax and have a great time looking at the beautiful sky full of baloons.
When? Every year, during the early October and it's quite long: it lasts nine days!
Why? This festival started in 1972, because of the 50th birthday celebration for a Radio in New Mexico (770 KOB Radio). The manager of the Radio asked Sid Cutter (the first man to own a hot air ballon in New Mexico) if they could use his balloon as part of the festivities. He agreed, but then they wanted to have as much hot air balloons as they could, so they tried it. In the end, 13 balloons attented to the party and 20.000 people went to the celebration. In fact, they also did a competition of hot air balloons in the celebration (it was like a race).
The next year, the Fiesta became and international event because of the competition. They saw that the race was a good idea, so they decided to do the first World Hot Air Balloon Championship. Then, the next year, they did it again, and again, and again... until now (they are still doing it).
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a festival of hot air ballons. The Festival basically consists of a lot of hot air balloons (it has arround 750 ballons) filling the sky. It's the largest hot air balloon festival in the world and approximately 100.000 spectators watch it every year.
In the festival, there are also special events or things: the Special Shape Rodeo (there are different types of balloons, like one in the shape of a cow or a baby), the Balloon Glows (it takes place at night, and all the balloons shine), the Fiesta Challenge (a game where balloonists attempt to drop a marker closest to a target), the America's Challenge Gas Balloon Race (where special long-distance gas balloons are inflated and then launched.The winner of the race is the balloon that travels the farthest), the Fight of the Nations Mass Ascension (where balloonists from each nation launch, one at a time, to their national anthem and waving their nation's flag)...
Where does it takes place? It takes place in Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA). In a big field where the people can relax and have a great time looking at the beautiful sky full of baloons.
When? Every year, during the early October and it's quite long: it lasts nine days!
Why? This festival started in 1972, because of the 50th birthday celebration for a Radio in New Mexico (770 KOB Radio). The manager of the Radio asked Sid Cutter (the first man to own a hot air ballon in New Mexico) if they could use his balloon as part of the festivities. He agreed, but then they wanted to have as much hot air balloons as they could, so they tried it. In the end, 13 balloons attented to the party and 20.000 people went to the celebration. In fact, they also did a competition of hot air balloons in the celebration (it was like a race).
The next year, the Fiesta became and international event because of the competition. They saw that the race was a good idea, so they decided to do the first World Hot Air Balloon Championship. Then, the next year, they did it again, and again, and again... until now (they are still doing it).
Etiquetes de comentaris:
1st batxillerat,
1st term,
dijous, 1 d’octubre del 2015
As a rebel song, I've chosen Same Love by Macklemore and Mary Lambert. I have chosen it because it's a song that criticizes the society and talks about the issue of gay and lesbian rights.
It was the third single from their 2012 debut studio album, The Heist. The song was adopted as an anthem by supporters of legalizing same-sex marriage. Macklemore explained that the song also came out of his own frustration with hip-hop's positions on homosexuality. He said: "Misogyny and homophobia are the two acceptable means of oppression in hip hop culture. It's 2012. There needs to be some accountability. I think that as a society we're evolving and I think that hip hop has always been a representation of what's going on in the world right now".
I actually love this song and what it represents. It's a calm song and the rhythm is perfect.
It was the third single from their 2012 debut studio album, The Heist. The song was adopted as an anthem by supporters of legalizing same-sex marriage. Macklemore explained that the song also came out of his own frustration with hip-hop's positions on homosexuality. He said: "Misogyny and homophobia are the two acceptable means of oppression in hip hop culture. It's 2012. There needs to be some accountability. I think that as a society we're evolving and I think that hip hop has always been a representation of what's going on in the world right now".
I actually love this song and what it represents. It's a calm song and the rhythm is perfect.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
1st batxillerat,
1st term,
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